Click a token to insert it into the field you've last clicked.
Token Value
[node:author] t.golkar
[node:author:account-name] t.golkar

7, place de Fontenoy
75007 Paris

[node:author:field_address:country_name] France
[node:author:field_address:address_line1] 7, place de Fontenoy
[node:author:field_address:langcode] en
[node:author:field_address:locality] Paris
[node:author:field_address:postal_code] 75007
[node:author:field_address:country_code] FR
[node:author:created] Tue, 23/07/2019 - 15:53
[node:author:created:fallback] Tue, 07/23/2019 - 15:53
[node:author:created:html_date] 2019-07-23
[node:author:created:html_datetime] 2019-07-23T15:53:33+0200
[node:author:created:html_month] 2019-07
[node:author:created:html_time] 15:53:33
[node:author:created:html_week] 2019-W30
[node:author:created:html_year] 2019
[node:author:created:html_yearless_date] 07-23
[node:author:created:long] Tuesday, July 23, 2019 - 15:53
[node:author:created:medium] Tue, 23/07/2019 - 15:53
[node:author:created:raw] 1563890013
[node:author:created:short] 23/07/2019 - 15:53
[node:author:created:since] 5 years 4 months
[node:author:field_date_of_birth:value] 1991-05-28
[node:author:field_date_of_birth:date] 675432000
[node:author:field_date_of_birth:date:fallback] Tue, 05/28/1991 - 14:00
[node:author:field_date_of_birth:date:html_date] 1991-05-28
[node:author:field_date_of_birth:date:html_datetime] 1991-05-28T14:00:00+0200
[node:author:field_date_of_birth:date:html_month] 1991-05
[node:author:field_date_of_birth:date:html_time] 14:00:00
[node:author:field_date_of_birth:date:html_week] 1991-W22
[node:author:field_date_of_birth:date:html_year] 1991
[node:author:field_date_of_birth:date:html_yearless_date] 05-28
[node:author:field_date_of_birth:date:long] Tuesday, May 28, 1991 - 14:00
[node:author:field_date_of_birth:date:medium] Tue, 28/05/1991 - 14:00
[node:author:field_date_of_birth:date:raw] 675432000
[node:author:field_date_of_birth:date:short] 28/05/1991 - 14:00
[node:author:field_date_of_birth:date:since] 33 years 6 months
[node:author:name] t.golkar
[node:author:display-name] t.golkar
[node:author:field_full_name] Golkar, Tara
[node:author:field_full_name:value] Golkar, Tara
[node:author:field_terms_and_conditions] Agree
[node:author:field_terms_and_conditions:value] 1
[node:author:last-login] Tue, 17/12/2024 - 12:37
[node:author:last-login:fallback] Tue, 12/17/2024 - 12:37
[node:author:last-login:html_date] 2024-12-17
[node:author:last-login:html_datetime] 2024-12-17T12:37:56+0100
[node:author:last-login:html_month] 2024-12
[node:author:last-login:html_time] 12:37:56
[node:author:last-login:html_week] 2024-W51
[node:author:last-login:html_year] 2024
[node:author:last-login:html_yearless_date] 12-17
[node:author:last-login:long] Tuesday, December 17, 2024 - 12:37
[node:author:last-login:medium] Tue, 17/12/2024 - 12:37
[node:author:last-login:raw] 1734435476
[node:author:last-login:short] 17/12/2024 - 12:37
[node:author:last-login:since] 4 days 23 hours
[node:author:roles] authenticated, administrator, editor
[node:author:roles:count] 3
[node:author:roles:first] authenticated
[node:author:roles:keys] authenticated, administrator, editor
[node:author:roles:keys:count] 3
[node:author:roles:keys:first] authenticated
[node:author:roles:keys:last] editor
[node:author:roles:keys:reversed] editor, administrator, authenticated
[node:author:roles:last] editor
[node:author:roles:reversed] editor, administrator, authenticated
[node:author:roles:reversed:count] 3
[node:author:roles:reversed:first] editor
[node:author:roles:reversed:keys] editor, administrator, authenticated
[node:author:roles:reversed:last] authenticated
[node:author:field_mobile_number] +33 6 28 76 34 18
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[node:author:uid] 2531
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[node:content-type] Landing page
[node:content-type:description] Use <i>Landing page</i> when you want to build up page using paragraphs.
[node:content-type:machine-name] landing_page
[node:content-type:name] Landing page
[node:content-type:node-count] 1
[node:changed] Thu, 29/09/2022 - 18:10
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[node:changed:html_date] 2022-09-29
[node:changed:html_datetime] 2022-09-29T18:10:14+0200
[node:changed:html_month] 2022-09
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[node:changed:html_week] 2022-W39
[node:changed:html_year] 2022
[node:changed:html_yearless_date] 09-29
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[node:changed:medium] Thu, 29/09/2022 - 18:10
[node:changed:raw] 1664467814
[node:changed:short] 29/09/2022 - 18:10
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[node:created] Tue, 14/04/2020 - 00:15
[node:created:fallback] Tue, 04/14/2020 - 00:15
[node:created:html_date] 2020-04-14
[node:created:html_datetime] 2020-04-14T00:15:39+0200
[node:created:html_month] 2020-04
[node:created:html_time] 00:15:39
[node:created:html_week] 2020-W16
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[node:created:medium] Tue, 14/04/2020 - 00:15
[node:created:raw] 1586816139
[node:created:short] 14/04/2020 - 00:15
[node:created:since] 4 years 8 months
[node:langcode] en
[node:field_metatags:title] Devel Tokens | Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads
[node:field_metatags:title:value] Devel Tokens | Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads
[node:field_metatags:og_type] website
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[node:field_metatags:og_image_url:0:value] /themes/custom/silkroad/unesco-silkroad-logo.png
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[node:field_metatags:og_site_name] Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads
[node:field_metatags:og_site_name:value] Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads
[node:field_metatags:og_title] Devel Tokens
[node:field_metatags:og_title:value] Devel Tokens


FINALISTS 2019-2020


14-17 years old


This page showcases the photos from category 1 (14-17 years old) that best capture the spirit of the Silk Roads and were shortlisted by the Selection Committee members to be amongst the Top 100 of the finalists of the second edition of the Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads International Photo Contest.

This contest offers an exciting opportunity for young people from all over the world to capture their understanding of the shared heritage of the Silk Roads through the lens of their camera. For this edition, participants were invited to "Reveal the Silk Roads" via Gastronomy and Food Production, Music and Dance, or Traditional Sports and Games.

Discover also the finalists of the Category 2 (18-25 years old) here



Click on the images for a larger view

, ,

Click on the images for a larger view



FINALISTS 2019-2020


14-17 years old


This page showcases the photos from category 1 (14-17 years old) that best capture the spirit of the Silk Roads and were shortlisted by the Selection Committee members to be amongst the Top 100 of the finalists of the second edition of the Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads International Photo Contest.

This contest offers an exciting opportunity for young people from all over the world to capture their understanding of the shared heritage of the Silk Roads through the lens of their camera. For this edition, participants were invited to "Reveal the Silk Roads" via Gastronomy and Food Production, Music and Dance, or Traditional Sports and Games.

Discover also the finalists of the Category 2 (18-25 years old) here



Click on the images for a larger view

[node:field_paragraph:0:entity] Finalists of the 2019 Contest - Category 1 > Paragraph
[node:field_paragraph:0:entity:created] Tue, 14/04/2020 - 00:15
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FINALISTS 2019-2020


14-17 years old


This page showcases the photos from category 1 (14-17 years old) that best capture the spirit of the Silk Roads and were shortlisted by the Selection Committee members to be amongst the Top 100 of the finalists of the second edition of the Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads International Photo Contest.

This contest offers an exciting opportunity for young people from all over the world to capture their understanding of the shared heritage of the Silk Roads through the lens of their camera. For this edition, participants were invited to "Reveal the Silk Roads" via Gastronomy and Food Production, Music and Dance, or Traditional Sports and Games.

Discover also the finalists of the Category 2 (18-25 years old) here



Click on the images for a larger view

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[node:field_paragraph:1:entity] Finalists of the 2019 Contest - Category 1 > Paragraph
[node:field_paragraph:1:entity:created] Tue, 14/04/2020 - 00:16
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[node:field_paragraph:1:entity:field_images] © Galina Tarakanova - Russia / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Saksham Thukral - India / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Muhammed Alaaddin - Syria / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Said Hmat - Morocco / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Parsa Naderi - Iran / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Amir Hossin Abbasi - Iran / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Takhmina Gabdilova- Kazakhstan / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Varshithaa Govardan - India / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Michael Theodric - Indonesia / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Abdur Rahman Abdullah - Bangladesh / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Chenwei Zheng - China / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Mohsin Nasser Abdullah Al Balushi - Oman / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Emran Hossain - Bangladesh / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © MD.Fardin Rukhshad Oyan - Bangladesh / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Yash Mangalick - USA / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Adnan Al Mujaini - Oman / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Satvik Shukla - India / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Rishab Nandi - India / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Reem Salman Al Mazroui - Oman / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads , © Zakarya Ghazizadeh - Iran / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads
[node:field_paragraph:1:entity:langcode] English
[node:field_paragraph:1:entity:type] Gallery
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Click on the images for a larger view

[node:field_paragraph:2:entity] Finalists of the 2019 Contest - Category 1 > Paragraph
[node:field_paragraph:2:entity:created] Tue, 14/04/2020 - 00:32
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Click on the images for a larger view

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[node:field_paragraph:2:entity:parent_id] 10119
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[node:field_paragraph:2:entity:content_translation_changed] Thu, 14/05/2020 - 12:58
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[node:field_paragraph:2:target_revision_id] 39997
[node:vid] 24476
[node:title] Finalists of the 2019 Contest - Category 1
[node:source:author] t.golkar
[node:source:author:account-name] t.golkar

7, place de Fontenoy
75007 Paris

[node:source:author:field_address:country_name] France
[node:source:author:field_address:address_line1] 7, place de Fontenoy
[node:source:author:field_address:langcode] en
[node:source:author:field_address:locality] Paris
[node:source:author:field_address:postal_code] 75007
[node:source:author:field_address:country_code] FR
[node:source:author:created] Tue, 23/07/2019 - 15:53
[node:source:author:created:fallback] Tue, 07/23/2019 - 15:53
[node:source:author:created:html_date] 2019-07-23
[node:source:author:created:html_datetime] 2019-07-23T15:53:33+0200
[node:source:author:created:html_month] 2019-07
[node:source:author:created:html_time] 15:53:33
[node:source:author:created:html_week] 2019-W30
[node:source:author:created:html_year] 2019
[node:source:author:created:html_yearless_date] 07-23
[node:source:author:created:long] Tuesday, July 23, 2019 - 15:53
[node:source:author:created:medium] Tue, 23/07/2019 - 15:53
[node:source:author:created:raw] 1563890013
[node:source:author:created:short] 23/07/2019 - 15:53
[node:source:author:created:since] 5 years 4 months
[node:source:author:field_date_of_birth:value] 1991-05-28
[node:source:author:field_date_of_birth:date] 675432000
[node:source:author:name] t.golkar
[node:source:author:display-name] t.golkar
[node:source:author:field_full_name] Golkar, Tara
[node:source:author:field_full_name:value] Golkar, Tara
[node:source:author:field_terms_and_conditions] Agree
[node:source:author:field_terms_and_conditions:value] 1
[node:source:author:last-login] Tue, 17/12/2024 - 12:37
[node:source:author:last-login:fallback] Tue, 12/17/2024 - 12:37
[node:source:author:last-login:html_date] 2024-12-17
[node:source:author:last-login:html_datetime] 2024-12-17T12:37:56+0100
[node:source:author:last-login:html_month] 2024-12
[node:source:author:last-login:html_time] 12:37:56
[node:source:author:last-login:html_week] 2024-W51
[node:source:author:last-login:html_year] 2024
[node:source:author:last-login:html_yearless_date] 12-17
[node:source:author:last-login:long] Tuesday, December 17, 2024 - 12:37
[node:source:author:last-login:medium] Tue, 17/12/2024 - 12:37
[node:source:author:last-login:raw] 1734435476
[node:source:author:last-login:short] 17/12/2024 - 12:37
[node:source:author:last-login:since] 4 days 23 hours
[node:source:author:roles] authenticated, administrator, editor
[node:source:author:roles:count] 3
[node:source:author:roles:first] authenticated
[node:source:author:roles:keys] authenticated, administrator, editor
[node:source:author:roles:last] editor
[node:source:author:roles:reversed] editor, administrator, authenticated
[node:source:author:field_mobile_number] +33 6 28 76 34 18
[node:source:author:field_mobile_number:country] FR
[node:source:author:field_mobile_number:value] +33628763418
[node:source:author:field_mobile_number:local_number] 0628763418
[node:source:author:url:args] , user, 2531
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[node:source:author:uid] 2531
[node:source:nid] 10119
[node:source:content-type] Landing page
[node:source:content-type:description] Use <i>Landing page</i> when you want to build up page using paragraphs.
[node:source:content-type:machine-name] landing_page
[node:source:content-type:name] Landing page
[node:source:content-type:node-count] 1
[node:source:changed] Thu, 29/09/2022 - 18:10
[node:source:changed:fallback] Thu, 09/29/2022 - 18:10
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[node:source:changed:html_datetime] 2022-09-29T18:10:14+0200
[node:source:changed:html_month] 2022-09
[node:source:changed:html_time] 18:10:14
[node:source:changed:html_week] 2022-W39
[node:source:changed:html_year] 2022
[node:source:changed:html_yearless_date] 09-29
[node:source:changed:long] Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 18:10
[node:source:changed:medium] Thu, 29/09/2022 - 18:10
[node:source:changed:raw] 1664467814
[node:source:changed:short] 29/09/2022 - 18:10
[node:source:changed:since] 2 years 2 months
[node:source:created] Tue, 14/04/2020 - 00:15
[node:source:created:fallback] Tue, 04/14/2020 - 00:15
[node:source:created:html_date] 2020-04-14
[node:source:created:html_datetime] 2020-04-14T00:15:39+0200
[node:source:created:html_month] 2020-04
[node:source:created:html_time] 00:15:39
[node:source:created:html_week] 2020-W16
[node:source:created:html_year] 2020
[node:source:created:html_yearless_date] 04-14
[node:source:created:long] Tuesday, April 14, 2020 - 00:15
[node:source:created:medium] Tue, 14/04/2020 - 00:15
[node:source:created:raw] 1586816139
[node:source:created:short] 14/04/2020 - 00:15
[node:source:created:since] 4 years 8 months
[node:source:langcode] en
[node:source:field_metatags:title] Devel Tokens | Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads
[node:source:field_metatags:title:value] Devel Tokens | Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads
[node:source:field_metatags:og_type] website
[node:source:field_metatags:og_type:value] website
[node:source:field_metatags:og_image_url] /themes/custom/silkroad/unesco-silkroad-logo.png
[node:source:field_metatags:og_image_url:0] /themes/custom/silkroad/unesco-silkroad-logo.png
[node:source:field_metatags:og_site_name] Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads
[node:source:field_metatags:og_site_name:value] Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads
[node:source:field_metatags:og_title] v
[node:source:field_metatags:og_title:value] Devel Tokens


FINALISTS 2019-2020


14-17 years old


This page showcases the photos from category 1 (14-17 years old) that best capture the spirit of the Silk Roads and were shortlisted by the Selection Committee members to be amongst the Top 100 of the finalists of the second edition of the Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads International Photo Contest.

This contest offers an exciting opportunity for young people from all over the world to capture their understanding of the shared heritage of the Silk Roads through the lens of their camera. For this edition, participants were invited to "Reveal the Silk Roads" via Gastronomy and Food Production, Music and Dance, or Traditional Sports and Games.

Discover also the finalists of the Category 2 (18-25 years old) here



Click on the images for a larger view

, ,

Click on the images for a larger view



FINALISTS 2019-2020


14-17 years old


This page showcases the photos from category 1 (14-17 years old) that best capture the spirit of the Silk Roads and were shortlisted by the Selection Committee members to be amongst the Top 100 of the finalists of the second edition of the Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads International Photo Contest.

This contest offers an exciting opportunity for young people from all over the world to capture their understanding of the shared heritage of the Silk Roads through the lens of their camera. For this edition, participants were invited to "Reveal the Silk Roads" via Gastronomy and Food Production, Music and Dance, or Traditional Sports and Games.

Discover also the finalists of the Category 2 (18-25 years old) here



Click on the images for a larger view

[node:source:field_paragraph:0:entity] Finalists of the 2019 Contest - Category 1 > Paragraph
[node:source:field_paragraph:0:target_id] 151
[node:source:field_paragraph:0:target_revision_id] 39995
[node:source:field_paragraph:1:entity] Finalists of the 2019 Contest - Category 1 > Paragraph
[node:source:field_paragraph:1:target_id] 152
[node:source:field_paragraph:1:target_revision_id] 39996

Click on the images for a larger view

[node:source:field_paragraph:2:entity] Finalists of the 2019 Contest - Category 1 > Paragraph
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[node:source:title] Finalists of the 2019 Contest - Category 1
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[node:url:unaliased:args:count] 2
[node:url:unaliased:args:first] node
[node:url:unaliased:args:keys] 0, 1
[node:url:unaliased:args:last] 10119
[node:url:unaliased:args:reversed] 10119, node
[node:url:unaliased:path] /node/10119
[node:url:unaliased:relative] /en/node/10119